Law Offices of John T. Bell 610-16th Street, Ste. 421 Oakland, CA 94612    510-444-4019   Call us 510-444-4638

Have you ever been charged for Misdemeanor/Disorderly Person?

Misdemeanor/Disorderly Person crimes have a special act. A proper defense requires a quality representation from a knowledgeable attorney. Our criminal defense attorneys get favorable results for clients charged with misdemeanor/Disorderly Person act. We help legally with best efforts for each hearing you face.

What are the rules for considering Misdemeanor/Disorderly Person act as a crime in California?

The offender is held by the charges of disorderly conduct, also known as a "breach of the peace". According to California Law Section /////, there is a prohibition of public acts that corrupt public morals or violate standards of public decency. Common scenarios leading to disorderly conduct charges include public arguments, public intoxication and non-violent encounters with police.

The offender can be charged in two ways, according to the California law Statute.

What to do if you are impeached charges for Misdemeanor/Disorderly Person act?

The misdemeanor/Disorderly Person is a serious crime under the State Laws of California bar and the offender may get rigorous punishments and a fine if reserved under this case. The first thing to do in such situation is to consult a lawyer who can guide you to the appropriate way outs.

There will be various phases in which the case will be proceeded hereafter. These phases are:

How JOHN.T.BELL LAW help you?

The key is to put your trust and confidence in us

The trust and confidence that our clients put in us is what keeps us going. If the case requires, we also offer immediate meetings absolutely free of cost. You can meet us and make sure that we can handle your case in the best possible manner.

Strong relations lead to better results

Right from the beginning, you will find our attorneys helpful regarding each and every aspect of your case. We will fight until the moment you get justice and will guide you regarding future proceedings as well.

Transparency is our moral

Throughout the procedure, we will maintain transparency with our clients and ensure that they know everything that we are deciding to do in the future proceedings.

Personal attention

You will get timely calls and notices from our attorneys informing you about the course of your case.

Our solutions are cost- effective

We practically consider the budget of our clients and plan the cost of fighting the case accordingly.

Skilled and experienced investigators

To stay ahead of the opposition, our attorneys have their own personal and professional ways of finding information and this helps them in getting to the depth of all cases. Once you join hands with us, you will never have to face anything alone. Remember that we are just a phone call away from guiding you in the right direction.

Contact Us


Law Offices of John T. Bell
610-16th Street, Ste.
421 Oakland, CA 94612


California State University, Hayward B.A., Political Science, 1995 University of California, Hastings College of the Law Juris Doctor, 1998


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